What is Jazz?

"Jazz music is the power of now. There is no script. It's conversation. The emotion is given to you by musicians as they make split-second decisions to fulfill what they feel the moment requires."
-Wynton Marsalis

With that being said, jazz music is focused on improvisation and conversations between the band members through their music. Because jazz musicians place a high value on finding their own sound and styles, each recording will sound different regardless of their sound.

Origin of Jazz

The birthplace of jazz music took place in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. It originated primarily in the African American communities. Jazz was shaped from marching bands, such as the band led by John Philip Sousa, and from a style of music known as ragtime. One of the first pioneers of jazz was a cornet player named Buddy Bolden who incorporated improvisation and the blues in what is now known as jazz. In due time, what became the standard front line for New Orleans jazz bands was cornet, clarinet, and trombone, all collectively improvising. In 1917, the Original Dixieland Jazz Band recorded the first jazz record titled "Livery Stable Blues". Throughout this website, you will see how each genre came to be and how the trombone played a role in those genres.


The timeline of jazz genres based on popularity are read as follows: Dixieland 1910, Swing 1930, Bebop 1940, Hard Bop 1950, Modern 1970.

This gives a general timeline of when the genres started to become popular.